Friday, October 13, 2006

Get out of my brain!

My dear friend Bethy McBethles and I have that tendency, as do many folks who spend much time in close company, to find that we are thinking the same thing at the same moment, and even have the words pop out simultaneously, often with the very same intonations. Silly and goofy, yes. Occasionally weird, yes. But mostly just plain old good for a laugh! One of my favorite of her exclamations on these occasions is, "Get out of my brain! You're leaving squishy footprints!"

Somehow that seemed quite appropriate for a blog in which I'm essentially letting you into my brain. So please, look around. Explore. Just don't wear like soccer cleats or track spikes, or stillettos 'cuz... ouch! :o)


Both Fex said...

Welcome to the blogisphere my sister. I promise to only wear bunny slippers in your blog, but right now I have to go buy more pumpkins for Pumpkinpalooza 2006. We only have 12, clearly no where near enough. TA!

ME said...

I promise to do my best not to leave any muddy footprints! But is it already too late, daughter dear?
But learning to clean is one of those life skills. Somehow we all get over our parents mistakes!
Tonight I'll wear my fuzzy socks and give you a nice massage as I wander around. Love ya!