Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Presentation Skills

Today's lesson on the art of presentation skills:

While providing corporate training on the use of internal web-based software applications, make sure that there aren't ridiculously cute goslings gawking at the class through the conference room windows. They *totally* steal your thunder and cause the students to be distracted...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm a tricksey one! :o)

Your Superpower Should Be Invisibility

You are stealth, complex, and creative.

You never face problems head on. Instead, you rely on your craftiness to get your way.

A mystery to others, you thrive on being a little misunderstood.

You happily work behind the scenes... because there's nothing better than a sneak attack!

Why you would be a good superhero: You're so sly, no one would notice... not even your best friends

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Missing out on all of the glory that visible superheroes get

Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm cheating on my own blog.

Just a nod to my *new* blog, specific to Battlestar Galactica. If you're interested in reading my sometimes snarky commentary regarding Season 4, feel free to check out Previously on Battlestar Galactica...

If you choose to just remain here, it'll protect you from spoilers... and from boredom if you're not a BSG lover.

Now grab your gun and bring in the cat. What do you hear? Nothing but the rain, sir!